Monday, March 16, 2015

Pursuit of an Idea

Idea: How to Test Perseverance and Commitment

In my eCourse on Ignite Everyday Creativity we are asked to list 30 annoyances then pick one to solve creatively. Because most annoyances are physical solutions range from invention to creating a product. My annoyance is mental: Not finishing promised project, poor commitment.

Idea: It’s an idea or collection of ideas put together.I just celebrated my 75th birthday last month. My personal (self) challenge has 2 goals: to be committed with perseverance to a project until the project is done in the allotted time, and the other is to keep my mind active and body sound. My plan is to read the novel, The Restless Flame, a novel about St. Augustine by Louis de Wohl and Confessions of St. Augustine by St. Augustine in 30 days. I thought the 2 books should complement each other. The challenge starts tomorrow. To keep me honest and to encourage maximum effort I added two small (?) difficulties: I will write about my progress every day and publish it in this blog or in my other blog:

 and I’ll walk  for 1 hour or go to the gym 4 days a week. If I’m successful with this idea can I do a similar idea again or related idea every month and make it a way of life? 

The universe is widening, my mind roams for poetry. I’m dreaming.  “Some people see things as they are and say why? I dream things that never were and say, why not?” -Robert F. Kennedy

that I’ll write everyday  in answer to her 28 day writing challenge in February 2015. I hope I can fulfill this promise.


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